

  • sidelines magazine - "Jackie Ducci: on a mission to promote human-animal connection"

  • around wellington - "wellington nonprofit human-animal alliance partners with Pasadena Humane to save animals in southern California"

  • yahoo! finance - "the human-animal alliance awards $87,500 to promote human-animal connection in 2024"

  • wptv - "wellington nonprofit donates $25k to animal rescue in Pasadena, California following wildfires"

  • the triangle tribune - "Grant Expands Youth Programs in Chapel Hill"


  • the town crier - "the human-animal alliance welcomes donations this giving season"

  • z107.5 - interview re: our "guess who's coming to dinner" fundraising event in wilmington, NC

  • around wellington - "new healing den opened at fox sanctuary with $10,000 grant from Wellington-based The Human-Animal Alliance"

  • the town crier - "healing den opens with financial help from the wellington-based human-animal alliance"

  • keys weekly - "more than a fox sanctuary: pawsitive beginnings' new therapy den brings human healing"

  • associated press - "New Healing Den Opened at Fox Sanctuary with $10,000 Grant from The Human-Animal Alliance"

  • paper horse - "wellington dressage rider has a mission to support human-animal connection"

  • - "wellington dressage rider has a mission to support human-animal connection"

  • palms west journal - "Wellington-based charity sponsors therapy ponies"

  • the town crier - "The wellington-based human-animal alliance grants $10,000 to pawsitive beginnings"

  • around wellington - "The Human-Animal Alliance sponsors 'River' and 'Rocky' at Tomorrow's Rainbow"

  • the town crier - "Human-Animal Alliance Sponsors Rescue Ponies at Tomorrow's Rainbow"

  • around wellington - "This Memorial Day, The Human-Animal Alliance Raises Awareness and Funding for military members and their pets"

  • keys weekly - "healing den: pawsitive beginnings gets grant for new therapy & counseling facility"

  • around wellington - "The Human-Animal Alliance Grants $10,000 to Pawsitive Beginnings"

  • female founder podcast - "jackie ducci discusses the pivotal role that animals have played throughout her life"

  • ein newswire - "hilary moore hebert, decorated equestrian, joining human-animal alliance board of directors"


  • abc action news - "local nonprofit helping provide free microchipping for lost and found pets in manatee county"

  • this morning w/ gordon deal - Jackie Ducci discusses the current crisis of pet surrenders w/ Gordon Deal

  • wbap dallas w/ chris merrill - Jackie Ducci discusses the impact of the poor economy on pets and their owners

  • wellington mom - "how the wellington-based human-animal alliance fosters connections around the country"

  • unbranded podcast - "exploring the magic and value of human-animal relationships w/ jackie ducci"

  • cbs17 - "the human-animal alliance sponsors crisis management facility dog for north carolina fire department"

  • the cross timbers gazette - "survivors of human trafficking receive access to animal-assisted therapy through grant from the human-animal alliance"

  • wiod 610 w/ andrew colton - Jackie Ducci discusses how to keep pets safe during natural disasters

  • the florida tribune - "granting hope: the human-animal alliance empowers animal therapy program for young women in need"

  • the dawn stensland show - Jackie Ducci discusses pet ownership, recent H-AA initiatives, and more

  • associated press - "the human-animal alliance provides grant for animal therapy, bringing hope to bereaved children in need"

  • let's talk pets podcast - jackie ducci discusses how h-aa and its partner charities are keeping people & animals together

  • the town crier - generous supporters unite at inaugural fundraiser in wellington

  • the high school hamster wheel podcast - "you don't have to stay in one career your entire life w/ Jackie Ducci"

  • the dressage radio show podcast - jackie ducci discusses her usdf gold medal and the special bonds that equestrians share with their horses


  • the backyard horse enthusiast - Founder Jackie Ducci discusses the human-animal bond with Glacier Hollow Farm

  • miami's community news - "women for paws receives $10,000 grant from human-animal alliance"